How to install our PPF kits

Before your start your PPF kit install, you'll need the following tools:

  • Plastic squeegee
  • Heat gun or hair dryer
  • Spray bottle
  • Baby Soap

Preparation, cleanliness, and patience is the key to success.

1. Clean the installation area with automotive soap and water, then use a microfiber towel to dry. Make sure all dirt, grease and other contaminants are removed.

2. To make a slip solution, mix about 85% water and 15% baby shampoo in a spray bottle. Shake the container to mix the solution well.

3. Apply liberal amounts of the slip solution to the installation area and the film pieces.

4. Once you've released the film from the backing, apply a slip solution to it.

Caution: The film pieces are not interchangeable. You should apply the sticky backing to the paint of the car and follow the contour of the body.

Note: Apply the slip solution as necessary to maneuver the film over the contours of the vehicle. Do not allow any portion of the film to hang off the edge of the vehicle.

5. After positioning the film, use the squeegee to remove any air bubbles between the film and paint.

Note if the film hangs slightly over the edge of a panel, use the heat gun to dry the area and wrap the film around the corner.

Please note when installing larger pieces like the front bumper or pieces with complex bends like the mirror cap.

There are many YouTube tutorials available, we highly recommend watching before proceeding.

Stretching of the film is REQUIRED in order to fit. We recommend having someone assist you with these pieces. 

DIY PPF assumes no liability or responsibility for any damages caused by usage, installing or uninstalling our products on your vehicle. Buy purchasing from us, you agree to proceed at your own risk.

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